My Jaw Pops All the Time…Should I Be Worried?

June 14, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleepdent @ 12:26 pm
young woman popping jaw

Does your jaw sound like a popcorn machine every time you move it? Does it click whenever it opens, closes, or moves from side to side? This can happen for many reasons, and while some of them are innocuous, a few are not. If your jaw consistently pops and you experience any of the following symptoms, then it might be time to schedule an appointment with your dentist.


Can Certain Essential Oils Help with Sleep Apnea?

June 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleepdent @ 6:40 pm
a closeup of assorted lemon essential oils

Every night, millions of people miss out on countless hours of sleep due to sleep apnea; in fact, it’s estimated that the condition affects up to 9% of all adults in the US, with many more cases remaining completely undiagnosed. That said, affected patients often wonder if there is anything they can do to manage their condition outside of professional treatment. Recently, certain essential oils have emerged as potential solutions for managing some sleep apnea symptoms. Here’s a closer look at the condition and which oils might prove helpful.  


What You Should Know About Napping and Sleep Apnea

May 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleepdent @ 3:30 am
person napping during the day

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) affects millions of Americans, resulting in interrupted breathing patterns during the night. As this condition hinders a restful night’s sleep, it is understandable that you might seek daytime naps for rejuvenation. However, if you have a sleep disorder, assuming that a power nap will provide a solution can potentially do more harm than good. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the relationship between napping and sleep apnea. Keep reading to learn about how they’re related.


Can TMJ Dysfunction Cause Migraines?

May 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleepdent @ 1:23 am
person experiencing migraine headache due to TMJ disorder

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a crucial joint responsible for facilitating jaw movement and control, enabling essential actions like biting, chewing, speaking, and more. Many individuals don’t give these everyday movements a second thought until they encounter jaw pain. However, it’s important to note that migraines could potentially be linked to TMJ disorder. Fortunately, neither migraines nor TMJ dysfunction should be chronic issues that you have to endure. Keep reading for further insights into the correlation between migraines and TMJ dysfunction.


How Treating Sleep Apnea Can Increase Your Lifespan

April 29, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleepdent @ 11:56 pm
someone sleeping with a cpap machine

Sleep apnea is sort of a tricky subject in dentistry because it’s incredibly difficult for people to even realize they have it, and hard for those who have it to believe that it’s much of a problem at all. After all, if you can sleep through a health condition, how bad could it be?

It often isn’t until they get treated for their sleep apnea that they realize how much it has been affecting how they feel. In fact, addressing sleep apnea may actually increase your lifespan! Here’s some information about why that’s the case.


3 Reasons Your Jaw May Be Hurting in the Morning

April 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleepdent @ 6:05 pm
a man holding his jaw due to pain when he wakes up in the morning

When you finally crawl into your bed after a long day, the hope is to wake up the next day feeling refreshed and ready to go after a good night’s sleep. However, if you have noticed your jaw is continually hurting first thing in the morning, it can zap the energy out of you and keep you from getting your day started on a good note. The good news is that your dentist may be able to help figure out what is the underlying issue and provide treatment. Read on to learn three common reasons for jaw pain in the morning.


How Soon Can You Expect Relief with TMJ Disorder Treatment?

March 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleepdent @ 4:22 am
a dentist is pointing to the temporomandibular joint on a skull

It is easy to take good oral health for granted and not even think about how wonderful it is to live pain-free. There are many awesome benefits to having a healthy smile, such as freely enjoying your favorite foods and speaking with ease to your family and friends. However, when you suffer from TMJ disorder, you realize how significant it is to be able to do these things with comfort. Fortunately, there are treatments to help ease the pain and help you return to normal life. Read on to learn how long you can expect TMJ treatment to typically take effect and possible treatment options.


The Connection Between Exercise & Improving Sleep Apnea

March 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleepdent @ 5:44 am
a man exercising to treat sleep apnea

Do you wake up still feeling tired after a night’s sleep due to your sleep apnea? Even if you are undergoing treatment for your condition, you may still not be getting complete ease and restoration. The good news is that moving your body during the day may help it rest at night! Recent studies have found that regular exercise can lead to better sleep and reduce symptoms of sleep apnea. Read on to learn more from your dentist in Silver Spring about the connection between exercise and sleep apnea.


The Dangers of Untreated TMJ Disorder

February 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleepdent @ 7:09 pm
person with TMJ pain holding their cheek

There’s nothing like an intense headache or other forms of facial pain to ruin your mood. Though some headaches don’t last long, the ones caused by TMJ disorder are a different story. TMJ disorder can also put you in danger of other serious issues. Continue reading to learn more about this condition, treatment options, and the ways in which it can affect your overall well-being.


Is Sleep Apnea on the Rise?

February 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleepdent @ 11:40 pm
person with sleep apnea laying snoring while asleep in bed

When it comes to maintaining a healthy body, getting enough sleep is key. It can help regulate your mood, improve energy levels, regulate your blood sugar, restore your immune system, and more. So, if you have a sleep disorder, this can have a serious impact on your life. Sleep apnea is a common sleep issue with many people suffering from it. But is this condition on the rise? Keep reading to learn if having sleep apnea is becoming more common.

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