What Does a Stiff or Locked Jaw Mean?

November 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleepdent @ 5:36 am
A young woman suffering from a stiff or locked jaw

When you have a stiff or locked jaw, that isn’t a problem you should ignore. It’s likely to harm your body if left unchecked, rWhen you have a stiff or locked jaw, that isn’t a problem you should ignore. It’s likely to harm your body if left unchecked, reducing your quality of life in the process. The good news is that there are various ways to address this particular jaw issue. By using them, you’ll be on the path to eating, speaking, and smiling comfortably again! Just keep reading to learn what a stiff or locked jaw means, useful home remedies, and when to get proper dental care.


7 Factors That Can Make Your Sleep Apnea Worse

November 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — bettersleepdent @ 6:16 pm

Normal airway comparison to sleep apnea airwayApproximately 39 million Americans have obstructive sleep apnea, but up to 90% of cases aren’t diagnosed. The sleep-related breathing disorder can affect your physical and mental health negatively with no treatment. It can even increase your risk of life-threatening complications. Thankfully, sleep apnea is easy to treat with an oral appliance or a CPAP machine. However, there are a few mistakes you might make that can worsen your sleep apnea symptoms. Here are 7 things you should avoid to breathe better.
